Our pupils can report cyberbullying and Online Safety concerns directly to us by using this form.
Alternatively, if you have a worry about cyberbullying, messaging or anything related to your safety and wellbeing, why not tell a trusted adult? This could be a parent, teacher or someone you trust to help you...
Thank you for looking at our Online Safety pages. Formerly known as 'E-Safety', these topics are delivered to our pupils from the ages of 5-11 at Westerings and covers issues from cyber-bullying to hacking.
We are proud of how our pupils compare to others nationally, and when they leave us, are far more confident with how to stay safe online.

Alongside assemblies, visiting spokespeople (i.e. police officers) and bespoke training, children take part in a thorough breadth of study across KS1 and KS2 during their Computing lessons. This ensures a progressive and in-depth teaching and learning of online safety considerations. A brief overview of the topics they cover are listed here:
Yr1 - School Rules and Reporting Worries
Yr2 - Stranger Danger
Yr3 - Cyberbullying & Your Digital Footprint
Yr4 - Targeted Advertising & Data Security
Yr5 - Web-Based communication, Gaming and The Internet & Respecting Copyright
Yr6 - Webcams, Hate Crime, File-Sharing & Bluetooth

Additional information for parents that relate to staying safe online:
Click here to download a web-protector that can protect children from harmful images/sites, encouraging children to alert an adult.
KIDSMART website - games and advice for children on being safe online.
Our e-safety policy can be downloaded here.
It seems that almost every week there is a new app or website that kids are using to IM (instant message) each other and it can be hard to keep up. It’s important for parents to know how these work, and how old your child should be to use them, usually 13 or over, to help avoid cyberbullying and sexting.
It’s important to talk to your child about what is and is not appropriate to share online and the dangers of sexting, especially as with most of these apps they can send images or videos free of charge. Also ensure they know what to do if they receive bullying messages or images that are inappropriate, ie to tell you and block the user.
Courtesy of, some apps which are anonymous or can leave children open to abuse are below. You may wish to look at your child's device to ensure they are not in use without your knowledge:
Yik Yak,
Meow Chat
TikTok & Snapchat
If you'd like help setting up parental controls at home, please feel free to make an appointment to speak with Mr. Wade; our online-safety co-ordinator. Alternatively, visit this site for help.