Health & Wellbeing
This sections includes: Medications, Health services & transition information.
Pupils at Westerings can access a range of mental health and wellbeing services and support.
The adjacent links are also available to pupils on their Pupil Page for them to navigate freely.
Follow this link to take you to the Calm Zone where you will find more ideas of how to remain calm.

Parental Wellbeing
Please click below to find a number of resources that may be of use regarding Home Learning, Mental Health, Mindfulness, Covid and much more.
Normally, a child needing to take medicines will, of course, be absent from the academy. However if an occasion should arise that a child needs to take a dose of medicine during academy time we request that:
you obtain a medical request form from the academy office.
you ask the dispensing chemist for a second labelled empty container for academy use only, with full written instructions clearly labelled.
you give the medicine to one of the Office Staff on arrival at the academy with written instructions and the Medicine Request Form.
the minimum amount of medicine should be brought into the academy (a daily dose only).
no medicines must be in the academy without the knowledge of the designated person.

Our receptionists in the main office are in charge of medicines brought into the academy. A record is kept of all medicines which are brought into the academy, and the administration of them. Unused medicines and empty containers will be returned to parents/carers. If a problem arises, the parent or the dispensing chemist will be contacted for advice. Parents/carers may come to the academy at lunchtime to administer medicine. Please inform the office if you wish to do this. If you are renewing your child’s prescription for medication at home, please check that medication in the academy is also updated.
Children who need to take medicine regularly to remain fit and well are catered for at the academy. Asthma pumps are labelled and kept in the medical room for children in Years Reception – Year 5. Year 6 children keep their asthma pumps with them in class to encourage responsibility. Consent forms are obtainable at the main office.
Dental/Hospital Visits
We would prefer that pupils attend appointments where possible outside academy hours. However it is permissible for children to leave the academy during academy hours provided a responsible adult accompanies them. Please arrange for a child to be collected from the office for such visits. A note advising us of these visits in advance would be most welcome.
Academy Health Service
Routine screening tests are carried out throughout a child’s academy life and currently include vision, hearing and growth assessments.
All screening and medical assessments take place unless parents/carers withdraw their permission by signing the appropriate form, which is available from the Academy Nurse who can be contacted at Rayleigh Clinic on 01268 366600.
Family Support Worker
A referral form needs to be completed to access this service via a senior member of staff.
Academy Health Service
Routine screening tests are carried out throughout a child’s academy life and currently include vision, hearing and growth assessments.
All screening and medical assessments take place unless parents/carers withdraw their permission by signing the appropriate form, which is available from the Academy Nurse who can be contacted at Rayleigh Clinic on 01268 366600.
Family Support Worker
A referral form needs to be completed to access this service via a senior member of staff.
At Westerings Primary Academy, we want to make the transition between phases as smooth as possible; we have several routines in place to make sure your child’s entry and journey through school is comfortable and happy.
We operate a system of transition meetings for parents and children between phases to prepare everyone for changes and expectations. The meetings also allow Parents/Carers and their children the opportunity to meet relevant staff and professionals.
These meetings include:
New Intake meetings including Stay and Play sessions for the new Reception children and Phonics workshops for their Parents/Carers
Pre-School visits to see individual children
Home Visits for new Reception children
Reception to Key Stage One Transition Meetings for the class and their Parents/Carers
Key Stage One to Key Stage Two Meetings for the class and their Parents/Carers (at the end of Year 2)
Key Stage Two to Key Stage Three Meetings for the class and their parents/carers (at the end of Year 6) – these tends to take place at Secondary schools.
Pre-School Transition
The Reception teacher visits all new pupils whilst they are at Pre-School. There are also taster sessions for pupils to visit the academy and home visits prior to children starting.
Pre-school staff and Parents/Carers therefore have the opportunity to discuss any concerns they may have and Westerings staff can make the necessary adaptations to help the children settle in. Occasionally children will already have support from an Educational Psychologist. If this is the case they will discuss support strategies with the Class Teacher and SENCo. All Reception children are allocated a Year 6 Buddy who will act as an elder brother or sister and help them settle into academy life.
Children who may be particularly anxious about change may need more preparation when moving up a year group. These children will be given additional opportunities to meet their new class teacher and member of support staff, visit the new classroom and get to know where key things are such as the toilets and the coat pegs. They may be given a booklet of photographs to remind them over the holidays.
During the transition between KS1 and KS2 we provide additional opportunities to get to know the junior playground, playground toilets and dropping off/collecting arrangements. All Year 2 children are allocated a Year 3 Buddy.
Secondary Schools Transition
Secondary staff from Greensward Academy visit Westerings to work with all children during the year in Years 3-6 to help with transition. In Year 5, selected children are invited to attend ILS ( in the Integrated Learning Suite at Greensward Academy). This entails two or three 10-minute sessions per week after school on a computer program such as Success Maker. The program is set to their level in an aspect of English or Maths and runs from the Summer Term of Year 5 and throughout Year 6. By attending ILS, children at all levels, including Gifted and Talented children, can improve their skills and, importantly, can ease their worries about secondary transition, making friends with Secondary Buddies and familiarising themselves with Secondary School layout. ILS is available for all children, including those who may be considering attending a different Secondary School.
When pupils are preparing to leave Westerings to attend Secondary School (or to attend an alternative Primary) we liaise with the new school’s staff to ensure they have relevant background information. There are often opportunities for the children to have additional visits to their Secondary School if they have SEND or are particularly anxious about changing schools (this is dependent on which school they choose). In Year 5, our children have taster days at Greensward Academy and in Year 6 they have another three focussed days in the Summer Term, as well as visits to shows and events. Those children who are expecting to join other secondary schools also attend open days to familiarise themselves with the schools.
Our children are lucky enough to have a range of good secondary schools to choose from. We liaise with their chosen schools to ensure a smooth transition so the children can settle quickly and so their new schools are aware of their abilities, needs and interests to continue their excellent progress.