Relationships & Sex Education
RSE and PSHE Subject overviews, policies and progression documents...
This page provides an overview for parents.
For our curriculum progression document, policy and other key information, please visit our RSE Curriculum Page at
Relationship & Sex Education
(sometimes referred to as RSHE)
The Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education and Health Education (England) Regulations 2019, made under sections 34 and 35 of the Children and Social Work Act 2017, make Relationships Education compulsory for all pupils receiving primary education.
While sex education is not compulsory in primary education, Westerings Primary Academy follows DfE recommendations to provide additional, age appropriate, sex education, beyond the national curriculum for science, to prepare pupils for transition to secondary school and puberty.
Values and attitudes
Develop self-esteem
Value themselves and others, recognising and respecting others’ ideas and views
Understand the importance of respect, love, and care within friendships, relationships, and within the family unit
Equal opportunities
It is intended that the academy’s RSHE policy and programme will reflect the ethos of the academy, by providing a secure, inclusive, non-judgemental environment in which to learn. Therefore, no child or family will be discriminated against on grounds of race, gender, health, ability or sexuality. The policy and content will comply with LA and government guidance.
Young people have varying needs regarding RSHE depending on their circumstances and background. At Westerings Primary Academy we believe that all pupils should have access to RSHE that is relevant to their particular needs.
To achieve this, the school’s approach to RSHE takes account of:
The needs of boys as well as girls;
Ethnic and cultural diversity;
Varying home backgrounds, ensuring no stigmatisation of pupils based on their home circumstances;
Sensitive, honest and balanced consideration of sexuality and a duty to deal with homophobic bullying; (fostering gender equality and LGBT+ equality)
Special educational need or disability
Knowledge and understanding
Understand that there are a number of different relationships and be able to recognise positive relationships
Have an understanding of safe and unsafe situations, and the right to feel and be safe
Have the correct terminology to talk about their bodies
Be able to keep themselves clean and healthy
Be aware of their own bodies and understand and be prepared for the physical and emotional changes that happen to them as they grow up
Understand how babies are conceived and develop
Have an understanding of the responsibilities of parenthood
Keep themselves safe and be able to ask for help in the different situations they may face
Use knowledge and skills to make informed choices
Have the communication and negotiation skills they need to act upon the choices they make
Have the skills necessary to deal with situations involving peer pressure
Form positive relationships
Emotional Understanding
Understand, talk about, and deal positively with their emotions, feelings and beliefs, and those of others
Moral and Values framework
We work together to create an environment where every child and adult feels safe, happy, and valued.
We support children to become more motivated, responsible, independent and self-disciplined members of society with respect for their multi-cultural environment
We believe that the RSHE programme in the academy supports our values and ethos
The RSE Curriculum
RSE is based within Science and Personal Social and Health Education. Any topics covered as part of the science curriculum are statutory.
At Westerings Primary Academy the RSE programme is delivered as part of our Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) curriculum by our teachers. Westerings Primary Academy use the ‘Christopher Winter Project’ to teach RSE. Additional quality assured resources, sourced from the PSHE Association, are also used to support in the teaching of this.
The RSHE programme is linked to the PSHE Scheme of work (PSHE Association) which includes Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning and aims to develop three main elements:
Attitudes and values;
Personal and social skills;
Knowledge and understanding.
We believe that if the programme is successful it will help young people to respect themselves and others and move with confidence from childhood through adolescence into adulthood. The overarching objectives for PSHE and RSE include:
Objectives in Key Stage 1:
To identify the qualities of a good friend and an awareness of how their behaviour and feelings can affect those around them.
Use simple rules for dealing with strangers and for resisting pressure when they feel uncomfortable or at risk.
To recognise similarities and differences between themselves and others and treat others with sensitivity.
Be able to name the parts of the body, understand the concept of male/boy and female/girl and the processes of growing from young to old.
Objectives in Key Stage 2:
Use simple rules for dealing with strangers and for resisting pressure when they feel uncomfortable or at risk.
To distinguish between the rights and wrongs of a range of behaviours and actions; to recognise consequences and how they can take responsibility for solving problems.
To know and understand about keeping themselves safe when involved in risky activities.
To develop empathy and an awareness of the range and diversity of relationships, including different lifestyles and cultures.
To know how to cope with the physical and emotional changes going on inside and outside their bodies through puberty.
To understand aspects of human reproduction: menstruation and fertilisation.
For the full outline of the RSHE objectives taught in individual year groups, please see the RSHE Subject Overview below.
Our RSHE Curriculum
Relationship, Sexual and Health Education (RSHE) at Westerings Primary Academy aims to support children throughout their time at the academy and beyond.
The overarching aim is that good quality RSHE keeps children safe and protects children from harm. It is clear that lack of quality RSHE leaves pupils vulnerable to abuse and exploitation (Ofsted 2013). It helps Westerings to fulfil its duties to protect, safeguard and promote the well-being of their pupils. A comprehensive programme of RSHE provides accurate information about the body, reproduction, sex and sexual health.
Westerings Primary Academy delivers the national curriculum for science. At key stages 1 and 2, this includes teaching about the main external body parts and changes to the human body as it grows from birth to old age, including puberty.
Science Learning Objective Breakdown
Westerings Primary Academy delivers the national curriculum for science. At key stages 1 and 2, this includes teaching about the main external body parts and changes to the human body as it grows from birth to old age, including puberty.
There is no legal right for parents to withdraw children from the national curriculum for science.
Our curriculum for teaching science can be viewed online on our website.
Within the Science Curriculum, a range of RSE objectives are taught. In Key Stage 1, we teach the children that animals, including humans, produce offspring, which grow into adults, and we also teach them about the main parts of the body. In Key Stage 2, we teach about life processes including reproduction and the main stages of the human life style, in greater depth.
Consultation with Parents and Carers
We appreciate all of the feedback that we have received to ensure that this part of the curriculum is continuously reviewed. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to ask. Our most recent reviews have been Autumn 2019/20 and 2022/23.

Right to Withdraw
The right to be excused from Sex Education (the right to withdraw) - Referenced from our school RSE policy
We appreciate that some parents/carers may wish to exercise their right to withdraw their child from some or all of the sex education that is delivered as part of statutory Relationships Education. We follow the best practice within the DfE guidance.
When a parent / carer advises the academy that they wish to withdraw their child, our headteacher will meet with the parents/carers and the child to understand the reasons for the withdrawal request. This discussion will also focus on the benefits of receiving this important education and any detrimental effects that withdrawal might have on the child.
Unless there are exceptional circumstances the headteacher will respect the wishes of the parents/ carers and grant a request to withdraw a pupil from any sex education delivered in primary schools, other than as part of the science curriculum.
For most pupils with SEND, including those with education, health and care plans, their SEND should not be a consideration for the head teacher in deciding whether to grant a parental request. However, there may be exceptional circumstances where the head teacher will want to take a pupil’s SEND into account when making this decision.
When a pupil is excused from sex education, we will ensure that this pupil receives appropriate, purposeful education during the period of withdrawal.