Staff at Westerings Primary Academy believe that home learning (homework) is important for the following reasons:-
Homework helps to reinforce and consolidate skills and understanding, particularly Literacy and Numeracy.
Homework emphasises that learning does not only take place in school.
There are opportunities for learning at home that do not exist at school, for example at home, children can work one-to-one with an adult.
Completing work at home helps to develop a partnership between the school and home and helps parents/carers to be informed and up-to-date with the expectation/standard of what their child is doing in school.
Children are helped to develop the confidence and self-discipline to study on their own and be responsible for their own learning.
Children are prepared for the requirements in all stages of their education and in older children preparing them for secondary education.
Responsibility for homework
The teacher will set, review and celebrate the achievements of home learning.
The teacher will monitor the engagement of home learning for each child.
The child will ensure that home learning is completed each week.
The parent/carer will ensure that homework is completed and where appropriate submitted online/handed in.
Information on our Home Learning can be found in the policy document below.
Daily reading, which the government recommends all children should do, will form part of this homework, or could be in addition to it. Likewise, times tables practice (e.g. Times Tables Rockstars) or phonics for key year groups.
View the policy for more detail...