Contact Procedure 

Contact Procedures

Westerings welcomes the partnership with our parents/carers. Communication has a vital role to play in ensuring this happens. 

Please would you follow the procedures here if you wish to discuss or let us know anything about your child. Start at #1...

Upper KS2 - Mr Towler     
Lower KS2 - Mrs Woods    
KS1 - Mrs Towler     
EYFS - Mrs Benstead

We will, where possible, arrange meetings with teachers or senior staff within 24 hours. 

Please be mindful of how you speak with our staff or other parents - we would like all members of our school community to speak to one another with respect, regardless of their concerns or complaint. See more below:

Positive Parent Partnership Policy

As a school, we communicate with you via: Telephone calls, Letter, Newsletters, ParentPay, social media and the website/school app. We also hold regular Pupil Progress Pop-ins for you to come into school to view your child's work.

How we communicate with Parents 2021.pdf

Complaints Procedure

We hope that all problems can be dealt with by informal means. Should you have a complaint about the provision or services provided, please see our Complaints Policy in order to ascertain the necessary procedure. There are key steps to follow, and it is important you follow the complaints process as stated in our policy.

The Claims Portal - If you are required to utilise the Claims Portal to submit a personal injury claim against us for either an employers or public liability matter then details of the correct portal ID and Compensator can be found on the attached link

We are a member of the Risk Protection Arrangement (RPA) administered by the DfE.