School Uniform

We are particularly proud of how smart our children are at Westerings. They are always excellent ambassadors for the school when performing in shows or visiting the local community. All of the children from Reception to Year Six wear the same smart uniform at school. The following uniform guidance is for all pupils in EY to Y6, and is not gender-specific. 

Uniform options:


We hold a range of 'pre-loved' shoes which have been cleaned ready for re-use. If it's approaching the end of term, and your child has outgrown their shoes, let us know! We can offer spares until the next school holiday break to save you replacing before any growth-spurts!


Art overall (this could be an old shirt with the sleeves shortened).

SHOES: Black - plain (e.g. no flashing lights, multi-coloured or sports branding). Please bear in mind that the children wear them at playtimes so they need to be with low heels. 

Trainers (black, navy or white) are acceptable for outdoor PE, however are not appropriate to be worn as school shoes. Summer sandals in white/black may be worn with plain navy blue or white socks. 

Has your child outgrown their school shoes? Are they in 'good nick'? Please donate them to us! 

P.E. kit

Please clearly label all items of clothing, including coats, with your child's name. Pupils wear PE kits to school, reducing the time spent changing before and after lessons, and saves parents from purchasing PE bags. 

No nail varnish or makeup is permitted.  Leggings, hoodies and 'skorts' are not permitted. Long hair to be tied back at all times (in PE but also around school) using simple navy, white, blue or black hair bands/accessories

Earrings - small studs only - must be removed by the pupil for PE lessons (or at home if the child is unable to do this themselves).

Order replacement items (e.g. ties) at and we'll deliver your items directly to your child!

Uniform Suppliers

Westerings Primary Academy uniform can be found at the following supplier:

Hair Styles

Designer and extreme hair styles are not permitted in school,  i.e not less than a grade 2 in length, no tramlines, symbols etc. Coloured hair is also not permitted. As aforementioned, longer hair should be tied back with a simple black, navy, white or blue hairband. Sport-branded bands are not permitted.

The final decision on what is/is not permitted lies with the Headteacher. 

Book Bags

Book bags for EYFS/KS1 should be Westerings branded and can be purchased at the stores listed above. 

Extreme Weather

Periods of warm weather are to be expected in the summer months. If classrooms become warm throughout the day, teachers will ask that ties be removed and stored in children's bags. If there is a liklihood of extreme heat (e.g. heatwave) then we will request that pupils attend school in their PE kits. This is at the headteacher's discretion and therefore children should attend school in their full uniform, including ties, unless advised by school

Please note that our uniform range offers flexibility in summer months, with options for all children to dress appropriately for summer (e.g. shorts, short-sleeved shirts, summer dresses etc.)

Personal Property

Personal property should only be brought to school in exceptional circumstances. Staff are not responsible for items brought from home unless they have been specifically requested by the teacher. Plastic/metal drinking bottles (water only) and snack boxes (fruit and veg only) should be labelled clearly with the child's name and class. 

Pocket toys are not permitted. Jewellery is not permitted in school for reasons of Health and Safety, not only to your child, but to others too. If ears are pierced then small studs are permitted, but these will have to be removed by the child for any physical activity (or at home prior to the school day). 

Mobile Phones/Smart Watches

An increasing number of children are bringing mobile phones to school. Please be advised that if you wish your child to bring their phone to school, they must be switched off whilst on the school grounds and stored safely in class as per the teacher's instructions. Parents/carers must arrange appropriate insurance cover as the school’s insurance does not cover the loss or damage to mobile phones. Children, not school staff, must take responsibility for their phones and other personal belongings and we accept no responsibility for any loss/damage to mobile phones whilst on school property.

Wrist watches (non-Smart) are permitted. Smart watches (whether internet enabled, voice controlled or camera capable) are not able to be worn at school. 


Stikins offers Westerings parents a sizeable discount when using code: 23464 on their website! Take a look at their website - 

Lost Property

Lost property is stored in each classroom. Please ask your child to check there if they have a missing item. We recycle lost property at the end of each term, or donate to our WPSA pre-loved uniform shop. The academy is not in any way liable for property that is damaged or lost. Children must take responsibility for looking after their own property.

Branded items

At Westerings, we want to help parents to kit their children for school as inexpensively as possible. Therefore, nearly all items of school clothing do not require the Westerings logo. We do, however, expect the school logo to appear on jumpers (or cardigans/tank-tops) and the PE shirt and sweatshirts. This ensures our children are recognisable as Westerings pupils and consistent in their look when representing our school. The cost implications on having all academy clothing branded is well understood by the academy, and as such, we are pleased to support parents by giving them the flexibility to choose their supplier for the majority of their uniform purchases by not insisting on branding for those items, achieving the best value for money possible. 

You can acquire most uniform items from our 'Pre-Loved' shop.

We also offer a range of items direct from school, at competitive prices.