New beginnings
Welcome to the Westerings family.
We are truly looking forward to welcoming all our new children and families to our 2024 Reception classes in September. Take a look below at all the useful information that Mrs Benstead and her EYFS team have put together for our new starters this summer...
Stay and Play Sessions
New Westerings starters get to spend quality time in their new classrooms, getting to know the EYFS team further and making friends with their peers. Our sessions for 2024 are:
Monday 17th June 2024 - the presentation (with useful information and links) can be downloaded HERE.
Monday 24th June 2024 at 1:30-2:45pm- Your child will again go to the EYFS classrooms to interact with the staff and become familiar with the environment. Parents will stay in the hall for a presentation by our Maths lead, Mrs Gaya and our phonics lead, Miss Stryczek.
Wednesday 3rd July at 1:30-2:45pm- Children only- This visit allows your child to find out which class they will be in and officially meet their class teacher.
In September
Monday 9th September 2024.
Conkers class- 9:30-11:00 am
Acorns Class- 1:00-3:00 pm
Tuesday 10th September 2024
Acorns Class- 9:30-11:00 am
Conkers Class- 1:00-3:00 pm
Wednesday 11th September 2024
Both classes in school from 9:30-1:00pm- (Staying for lunch)
From Thursday 12th September 2024
In school full time- 8:40-8:50 am drop off. Collect at 3:20pm

Be sure to add our email address to your safe list, to ensure all communications reach you. Emails from Westerings will always and only come from or ParentPay (once your child starts in September).
Please see this link for an external course on school readiness;
In September the children can bring in a 'Chatterbox' - This is a decorated box with special items that tells us about them e.g. a few family photos (these will be used for a display), a special toy, a favourite menu, a ticket from a trip or holiday etc.
Watch this space for an example of a chatterbox from Mrs Benstead
We can't wait to see your chatterbox in September!
Please take a look at this over the next few weeks so your child can familiarise themselves with the school grounds and people who they might see in school.
Important information for Parents

Important Paperwork below:
Please print these documents and hand them in on your first 'Stay and Play' session or before. Thank you
Upon accepting your child's placement, please follow this link to fill out our home-school agreement;

Here are a few things you can look forward to!

PARENTS - Use social media? Consider joining the following pages:
This page is always being updated. Pop back in a few days to see more news and info!