Cost of Living Help
At Westerings, we are aware of how cost of living continues to affect our families and local community. Whilst all schools offer universal support, e.g. 'Free School Meals', there are many families who may be in low paid work, so do not qualify for free school meals due the stringent criteria. We are doing everything we can to support all of our families during these tough times. Our WPSA, Academy Council and Parent Forum groups are all tasked with finding ways to help reduce costs for families.
Some of the actions taken by the school, our WPSA or our Trust to date (and what we are planning for the near-future) can be found on this page.
As always, if you are worried about the costs associated with school, please get in touch with us in complete confidence. We are here to help and have several pathways available to support you and your family during these challenging times...
OVER 2023/24:
We froze our Breakfast Club cost throughout 2023, despite rising staffing/food costs.
Reduced our Night Owls cost, and capped the long-session cost at £12 for the rest of the academic year.
Ringfenced school funds to assist our disadvantaged families with free morning childcare and 25% off all educational trips and activities.
Providing our Pupil Premium Grant eligible pupils (PPG) with a free sport or music club places each year.
Expanding our 'Pre-Loved' uniform shop and introducing a school direct uniform service.
Carried out an extensive uniform policy review, to look at ways to make the uniform more affordable. Launched of our own uniform shop to cut prices for families.
All trips and visits proposed by staff now need headteacher sign-off. All transport is considered with multpile quotes for best value. Staff must demonstrate value and educational impact for the cost proposed in order for the trip to be approved.
We share expected costs with families, so they can better budget for upcoming expenses.
Invested thousands of pounds in additional tuition, catch-up virtual tutoring and booster groups for key pupils and disadvantaged families.
Signposting families to our Pupil Premium Grant application, which is the best avenue for additional financial support that we can offer.
Free fruit and vegetables for break times for our pupils.
Continuing to provide our pupils will all the stationery needed for lessons (i.e. no pencil cases needed).
In 2023, we provided families-in-need with £100 gas/electric bill credit.
"It’s about equality of access to everything that’s happening at school. Everything that’s going on. Giving every child in school the opportunity to participate in, not just the compulsory aspects, but also the additional opportunities."
- Jo Phillips - GovernorHub
Staff, parent and community groups (e.g. WPSA) all tasked with finding ways to reduce the financial burden school has on families.
Now offering key uniform items (discounted) via our uniform ordering service at
Year group - by - year group cost map on, showing our parents what trips and visits are expected to take place in each class each year, and their anticipated costs. This will help parents budget for upcoming expenses in good time, ahead of any letters being sent out requesting payment.
Review of which charities, events and themed-days we take part in, to reduce the number of donations being requested by the school.
Review of clubs and extra-curricular activities - ensuring best value for money.
Continuing to support PPG/FSM families with vouchers/food hampers during school holidays.
Share your thoughts with our Parent Forum members - we will look at all suggestions at our half-termly meetings.