Cost of Living Help

At Westerings, we are aware of how cost of living continues to affect our families and local community. Whilst all schools offer universal support, e.g. 'Free School Meals', there are many families who may be in low paid work, so do not qualify for free school meals due the stringent criteria. We are doing everything we can to support all of our families during these tough times. Our WPSA, Academy Council and Parent Forum groups are all tasked with finding ways to help reduce costs for families. 

Some of the actions taken by the school, our WPSA or our Trust to date (and what we are planning for the near-future) can be found on this page. 

As always, if you are worried about the costs associated with school, please get in touch with us in complete confidence. We are here to help and have several pathways available to support you and your family during these challenging times... 


OVER 2023/24:

"It’s about equality of access to everything that’s happening at school. Everything that’s going on. Giving every child in school the opportunity to participate in, not just the compulsory aspects, but also the additional opportunities."

- Jo Phillips - GovernorHub


Share your thoughts with our Parent Forum members - we will look at all suggestions at our half-termly meetings.