Daily Timetable & Clubs

Clubs Consent Summer Term 2022.pdf

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Academy Daily Timetable


Start of Day 8:40-8:50 am


12.00 – 12.55 pm

End of Day


(EY/KS1 children will begin making their way to the infant gate from 3:15)


Start of Day

8:40-8:50 am


12.30 – 1.15pm

End of Day

3.20 pm

Dropping Off and Collecting Children

At 8.40am both gates are opened and staff supervise the children coming into school. Parents say goodbye to their children in either of the two waiting areas and the children walk round to their classes independently. At home time, Reception and KS1 children are brought to the KS1 waiting area to meet their parents there. KS2 Children (Year 3 upwards) mostly opt to use the Sunny Road gate, but can leave via the KS1 gate if meeting their younger sibling. If you have been delayed when collecting your child, please inform the office as soon as possible. Staff will only allow our younger LKS2, KS1 and Reception children to go home with nominated adults so please inform us and your child of any alternative arrangements.

Playtimes and Lunchtimes

During playtimes, children play on one of our three Playgrounds. On the playgrounds we have an exciting adventure trail, provided by the Parents and Staff Association. Another set of climbing equipment is available on the lower hill. Tyre parks, line markings and of course our wonderful woodland setting make for an exciting breaktime! The Infants have playhouses and a range of small equipment such as stilts, hoops and tabletop games. Both playgrounds have floor games marked out and large equipment such as giant Connect4 and Draughts are also available.

Our spacious outdoor area means that the children have plenty of space to play in and are surrounded by wildlife. If the weather is fine, children often use the top field and lower hill. If it is wet, they play games in their classrooms, under the close supervision of staff. The younger children enjoy having trained playleaders to help them collaborate and teach them playground games.

At lunchtime, the children may also have access to Chromebooks. These indoor activities provide the ideal opportunity for children of mixed ages to play together and many enjoy this opportunity. Afternoon play is for Infants and Foundation Stage only, to comply with the Government’s time recommendations. These children have a free healthy snack provided as part of the Government’s Healthy Schools Initiative. This may be a piece of fruit or vegetables.

Collective Worship (Assemblies)

Collective Worship takes throughout the week in our halls. This is in a range of formats during the week, including a Whole School Assembly using Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning, a Celebration Assembly when individual children and whole classes are recognised and congratulated for their achievements that week; Birthday Assemblies and Worship led by local church leaders. These times allow children time to reflect on their past week and to set themselves personal challenges for the week ahead. They also allow time to discuss the academy values and expectations of morality and good citizenship.

Lesson Timetables

At Westerings Primary Academy, the children enjoy learning a wide range of skills through a topic-based approach. Lessons are split into sessions of no longer than an hour to maintain a challenging pace and excitement for learning. Each day includes a lesson of Literacy, Numeracy and a focus on the development of Mental Maths, Multiplication Tables, Handwriting, Phonics, Grammar, etc. The morning sessions are punctuated with a 15 minute playtime.

In the afternoons, classes explore other skills like Geography, History, Art, Science, RE etc.

During the week, the children spend at least 2 hours on Physical Education. All classes have Circle Time/PHSCE (Personal, Health, Social and Citizenship Education). French is also introduced from the end of KS1 onwards.

Lunchtimes are staggered to ensure children have a comfortable lunchtime with fewer waiting times.

Extra-Curricular Activities (Clubs)

Many children participate in clubs before school, during lunchtime and after school.

If your child stays late after school to a club, the supervising adult will bring the children to the main gate afterwards.