Pupil Zone

2024 Pupil Survey CLICK HERE

Autumn Term Pupil Voice feedback - highlights:

Nearly all pupils know how to keep themselves safe, and agree that lessons help them learn about keeping safe.
Majority of pupils feel that the school deals with bullying well.
Nearly all pupils feel that school encourages them to respect people from other backgrounds and to treat everyone equally.
Nearly all pupils said if a friend was looking to move schools locally, they would recommend coming to Westerings.

Interesting scores came from the following questions, and will be a focus for staff to delve deeper into the reasons why pupil perceptions were lower (although still high for a primary school...)

I am proud of the Westerings uniform:

On the topic of uniform, over 100 pupils gave written feedback about the uniform, for us to consider during our upcoming policy review. Their voice is important to us, and making any changes to policy should rightly include their perceptions. 

We will be creating our Pupil Voice Action Plan this term with our student council representatives to look at the areas identified and how we can strengthen these further...

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Cyber Bullying IS bullying.

Our pupils can report cyber-bullying directly to their teachers by clicking here

Bank of Westerings